ArgentLupe Head Shot
Welcome to House ArgentLupe

Good Tidings! We bid you welcome to meet our pack and learn our story. House ArgentLupe is a small chapter within the Society for Creative Anachronism - A worldwide organization dedicated to medieval reenactment. There are thousands of chapters, or houses, within the SCA, but House ArgentLupe is special - focusing not only on historical recreation, but on friendship. We are committed to each other - to honor - to support - to playfully harass; all in all, we have heaps of fun together.

In ArgentLupe we pride ourselves in our members’ numerous talents. Our seamsters keep us looking at the height of middle ages fashion - our fighters bring us great battle valor (as well as one or two "no shit, there I was" stories) - and our brewers, well, what can be said for our brewers, but "thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...."

The members of ArgentLupe join together under the visage of the silver wolf to be a family in an otherwise staggeringly huge SCA. With a home base in the Shire of Blak Rose, we have members in the Harrisburg, PA area but we also stretch further south, into MD and DE. ArgentLupe is ever-growing.  We mostly attend events along the east coast, in the Kingdom of the East, but we are willing to go almost anywhere for a good time.   

If any of this sounds interesting or if you just need directions to an event, feel free to contact us via email. We’ll be happy to help with any questions you may have about costuming, fighting, or in general, what the SCA is all about. Hopefully, we will see you at the next - we'll be the ones with the paws....

This web site is maintained by Enoch please feel free to contact me with suggestions