ArgentLupe Head Shot

We are open to acceptance of new members. Membership does not imply a permanent relationship, but an ongoing commitment toward productivity for the House. All candidates for membership may petition the House at any open House meeting, under the provision of New Business. Petitions should include an address to the House, directed to the Lord and Lady of ArgentLupe, and will be responded to with questions from other Members, as appropriate. There will be a deliberation period, which will not be limited to any number of events, while the Heads of Household consider the petitioner's desire and performance. The Heads of Household will question other key Members, as they choose, for input in the Final Decision. Positive response will be made at an open House Meeting, with the Petitioner being sworn under the House Bond, and granted Membership. Denial of membership may be shared at open House Meeting, or may be shared privately with the Petitioner.

Continued Membership

The Heads of Household reserve the right to review current Membership at any time to determine the ongoing effectiveness of ArgentLupe's roster. We are an active Household in the greater Society for Creative Anachronism, and expect that our members will participate in activities proactive towards our Group's growth and success. Removal or suspension of Membership may occur if a Member is no longer productive or is no longer able to attend SCA functions. We do not wish to confuse friendship and membership. Membership in ArgentLupe is SCA-based; friendship is personal and is irrelevant to Membership. Anyone, Members and non-members, may attend open House Meetings, and may join us for social gatherings. If, at any point, a Member feels that they are unable to meet the needs of ArgentLupe as a Member, they are welcome to step down from Membership. Involuntary removal or suspension of Membership is at the discretion of the Heads of House, and will be determined through personal deliberation, and through careful questioning of key Members of the House for Final Decision.


It is a base expectation that all House Members be Contributing Members. All Members and Petitioners should seek out opportunities for participation in House projects, functions, or other activities proactive toward the Group's success. As members of a Household in the Society for Creative Anachronism, ArgentLupe Members must attend a minimum of one SCA event per year. Should a year and one day pass without attendance at a SCA-sponsored event, Membership will be revoked. Recipients of Revoked Membership may re-petition the House when they are able to meet the expectation for attendance.

House Livery

House colors are designated as a wolf's head argent, howling to the left, on a field of sable. Any Member may freely use the House Arms to visibly display their pride of Membership. House tabards are available to designate the fighting Unit, and may be assigned to non-Members fighting under said Unit. House Livery should be treated with pride and respect. House Arms in disrepair should be mended as appropriate, or replaced when necessary.

House Funds

House funds are maintained for the benefit of the Group, and are available for any project to benefit the House. If a Member would like to request funds or House Property for a House activity or project he/she must be in good standing as a Member, and must submit the request to Heads of Household, with specifics on benefits and costs. Assets, records, expenses, and receipts are maintained by the Heads of House, and may be requested at any time, by any member, should they have reason to do so. Large House purchases will be discussed in open House Court. The House obtains funds in three ways: Donations, Fund Raisers, or Surcharges on event pre-registrations. All House funds are tracked and maintained for the benefit of the Group, and not for any individual.

This web site is maintained by Enoch please feel free to contact me with suggestions